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Quarterly Market Reviews

QMR – 2024 Q2

US stocks continued their strong performance. The S&P 500 rose 4.3% for the period and 15.3% year-to-date, with growth continuing to outperform value sectors. International stocks had a positive quarter, rising 1.2%, with a year-to-date return of 6%. Emerging Markets surprised with a notable 5.1% gain for the quarter. Fixed Income remained uneventful as short-term […]

QMR – 2024 Q1

US stocks started the year on a positive note with the S&P 500 up 10.6% and US small/mid cap stocks up 5.2%. International stocks continue to underperform domestic markets. International developed increased 4.8% while emerging markets posted a 2.4% gain. Alternative asset classes experienced mixed results with reinsurance and corporate lending up 4% and 2.9%, […]

QMR – 2023 Q4

All major markets had a strong fourth quarter and finished positive for the year. Inflation continues to approach the 2% Federal Reserve target with the last reading at 3.1%. The Federal Reserve did not increase rates and is anticipated to begin cutting rates in 2024.   To access the Quarterly Market Review for Q4 of […]

QMR – 2023 Q3

The stock market underperformed in Q3, while bonds experienced mixed results based on maturity. Inflation continues to trend downward, decreasing from the 9.1% year-over-year peak last June to 3.7% year-over-year in August of this year. The Federal Reserve did not increase rates during the September Fed meeting and signaled rates may stay higher for longer […]

QMR – 2023 Q2

In Q2, the stock market was positive, while the bond market provided mixed results. Inflation is trending downward as it has reduced from a high of 8.9% in June of last year to 4.1% in May of this year. The Federal Reserve did not increase rates during the June Fed meeting. However, they signaled additional […]

QMR – 2023 Q1

Equity and fixed income asset classes produced positive returns for the quarter. At a high level, inflation has reduced from 8.9% (year over year) last June to 6.0% (year over year) in February of this year. After a year of rate tightening the Federal Reserve signaled during the March meeting that rate increases are coming […]

QMR – 2022 Q4

Equity and fixed income asset classes produced positive returns for the quarter. Inflation peaked in June at 9.1% (year-over-year) but slowed to 7.1% in November. Federal Reserve finished the year increasing rates twice in Q4, resulting in a total of seven rate hikes, totaling 4.25% in 2022.   To access the Quarterly Market Review for […]

QMR – 2022 Q3

Equity and fixed income asset classes were negative for the quarter. Annual inflation ending July 2022 was 8.5%, slightly down from 8.6% in June. Federal Reserve increased rates by 0.75% in June, and 0.75% in September resulting in 3% in rate increases for the year.   To access the Quarterly Market Review for Q3 of […]

QMR – 2022 Q2

Equity and fixed income asset classes were negative for the quarter.  Alternative investments provided a positive earnings boost. Annual inflation ending May 2022 was 8.6%, led by increased energy prices and consumer spending. Federal Reserve increased rates by 0.75% in June and is expected to make additional increases in 2022.   To access the Quarterly […]

QMR – 2022 Q1

All equity and fixed income asset classes were negative for the quarter. Alternatives generally provided a positive earnings boost. Annual inflation ending February 2022 was 7.9%, led by increased energy prices. Federal Reserve increased rates by 0.25% and is expected to make six additional 0.25% increases in 2022.   To access the Quarterly Market Review […]