What is Business Banking: An Introduction to Small Business Banking

Business and personal banking may share some features and account types, but the offered services for business banking needs is expanded with solutions that will assist businesses with their day-to-day operations and longer-term projects. Business Banking vs. Personal Banking Defined Business Banking provides a wide range of services for small-medium businesses in order to assist with […]
Getting a Commercial Banker Involved in Your Construction Project
Permit delays, scheduling snafus, supply chain issues, and contractor disputes…if you haven’t experienced any of these, you haven’t been in commercial real estate construction for long. Even the best-laid plans can go awry and dealing with these setbacks onsite is challenging enough. If you’re not working with the right commercial banker, you might unknowingly add […]
Will Pacific Northwest Crops Survive The Summer Heat?
The dryland areas of our two counties have been affected greatly due to the heat and drought we’ve experienced so far in 2021, with wheat crops being at some of their lowest yields in years.
3 Cash Flow Factors Every Entrepreneur Needs To Know About
Cash Flow. We hear and use the generic term, but as it applies to business financing, we need to drill down further. There are three main needs for a business to consider, as well as a corresponding type of financing to match each specific need. Operations These are your daily, weekly, and quarterly needs of your […]
Commercial Financing Request
What Every Commercial Financing Request Should Have In 2021, And Always As we head into the last half of November, February 2020 already feels like distant history. Back then, when many of us did not foresee – and could not imagine – the turns the year would take, something long anticipated happened: The longest economic […]