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Better Together: How Kiwanis has Shaped my Family Legacy

For as long as I can remember, my family and I have taken an annual trip to Oregon to visit my father’s relatives during the first weekend in August. But unlike other family vacations, there is a specific reason we take this trip every year at the same time.

Long ago, my great uncle decided that he wanted to do something special for those in his community; and, inspired by his work as a high school teacher, he decided to start a scholarship fund for students in the area. As a result, on the first weekend of every August our family partners with the local Kiwanis chapter to continue my great uncle’s legacy by hosting an annual golf tournament to raise money for his scholarship fund.

The tournament is a straightforward affair. Golfers participate in a round of golf, enjoy a hosted lunch and end the day with a raffle for prizes. Although simple, Kiwanis plays a key role in this event by recruiting participants, assisting with lunch, and coordinating with local businesses to donate raffle prizes. If it weren’t for their help, the tournament would truly not be as successful as it is today.

Kiwanis helps fund thousands of community projects around the globe every year. Our little golf tournament seems small in the grand scheme of things, but the significance to the student who receives the scholarship every year is huge. For the recipient, this scholarship provides relief as they enter their college years, allowing them to focus less on funding their education and more on being successful in their studies.

Recently, HFG CEO and avid member of Kiwanis, Ty Haberling, approached several employees with the idea to start a satellite club of our local East Kennewick chapter. His goal was to create a club geared toward young professionals in our community.

Having worked with the Kiwanis group before, I was both excited to join their cause and hesitant to sign up for what seemed like a serious time commitment. Being in the beginning stages of my professional career, my hectic schedule can make finding time to dedicate to organizations like Kiwanis very difficult. This satellite club, however, offers a unique opportunity for young professionals like myself to work outside of the main club and meet at a time that our busy schedules will allow. It also provides a space to grow a group of like-minded professionals and, perhaps most importantly, it affords us the opportunity to discover new community projects within our area.

Their mission is simple:  “Kiwanis empowers communities to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children.”

I agree wholeheartedly with the Kiwanis mission, and that is why I have volunteered to be the President of the newly formed Young Professionals Satellite Club. I am dedicated to their cause and I will do everything within my power to see that our satellite club is successful in its efforts to make a lasting impact on our community.

My family’s golf tournament and scholarship fund would have stopped long ago if it were not for the help of the local Kiwanis chapter, and I will forever be grateful for their continued support. They understand that lasting change starts small, with one community at a time. I encourage anyone who is interested, to join Kiwanis and our mission to make lasting differences in the lives of children in our community.

Megan Farrow, Wealth Planner


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